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1. hive模糊搜索表 show tables like '*name*';

2. 查看表结构信息 desc formatted tablename; desc table_name;

3. 查看分区信息 show partitions tablename;

4. 根据分区查询数据 select table_coulm from tablename where partitionname = '2016-02-25';

Ubuntu 常用查找文件与文件内容指令



作用相当于find -name,但是locate速度会比find快很多,因为locate命令也是用数据库查找的。

在Linux服务器(ubuntu)上使用Apache为odoo openerp配置域名

Odoo is very well known ERP system today. Odoo 9 provides great features that will help to grow business. By default odoo runs over port 8069. So we are accessing server using domain:8069. What if we need to access server using only domain like a standard website? We can do it by configuring web server with odoo. Here I am going to show you configuration of Apache web server for odoo.

ubuntu 修改 locale 为 zh_CN.utf8

locale -a


vi /etc/default/locale



如果你想在当前目录下 查找"hello,world!"字符串,可以这样:

Ubuntu 从php5.5.9升级到php7.1

1. 先升级:

sudo apt-get update

2. 然后添加PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php

How to install FFmpeg on Ubuntu 14.04

FFmpeg has been removed from Ubuntu 14.04 and was replaced by Libav. This decision has been reversed so that FFmpeg is available now in Ubuntu 15.04 again, but there is still no official package for 14.04. In this tutorial, I will show you how to install FFmpeg from mc3man ppa. Add the mc3man ppa:

ubuntu 查看当前目录下文件夹大小


du -h --block-size=m --max-depth=1 |sort -n