1. hive模糊搜索表 show tables like '*name*';
2. 查看表结构信息 desc formatted tablename; desc table_name;
3. 查看分区信息 show partitions tablename;
4. 根据分区查询数据 select table_coulm from tablename where partitionname = '2016-02-25';
1. hive模糊搜索表 show tables like '*name*';
2. 查看表结构信息 desc formatted tablename; desc table_name;
3. 查看分区信息 show partitions tablename;
4. 根据分区查询数据 select table_coulm from tablename where partitionname = '2016-02-25';
1. 先升级:
sudo apt-get update
2. 然后添加PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
FFmpeg has been removed from Ubuntu 14.04 and was replaced by Libav. This decision has been reversed so that FFmpeg is available now in Ubuntu 15.04 again, but there is still no official package for 14.04. In this tutorial, I will show you how to install FFmpeg from mc3man ppa. Add the mc3man ppa: