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JomSocial apps & plugins

I propose some apps and plugin for Jomsocial. All of these has been corrected to work with jomsocial 2.6.x ans Joomla 2.5

SQL Tables corrected for image apps in J!1.5

All apps and plugin is in English of course and in french

In this package, you can find :


修改 /language/zh-CN/zh-CN.localise.php 文件中的数字

分别找到 getLowerLimitSearchWord 和 getUpperLimitSearchWord 这两个变量,它们就代表搜索字串的最小长度和最大长度。

jomsocial 注册用户名限制太短


1、找到 components/com_community/assets/validate-1.0.pack.js 这个文件

mosets tree tag field支持中文修改方案

administrator/components/com_mtree/mfields.class.php 第2522行,unset($arrTags[$i]);加注释如下: //unset($arrTags[$i]);


http://downloads4all.nl/content/3062-Membership-3.0.1-UPDATE!-J!1.5-2.5-3.0x-JE-Extensions http://downloads4all.nl/content/2382-Payplans-2.2.5-Premium-UPDATE!-J!1.5-2.5x-Extensions


<?php set_time_limit(0); //init Joomla Framework define( '_JEXEC', 1 ); define( 'JPATH_BASE', dirname(".")); define( 'DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); ?><html>

sobipro qrcode bug


去除Falang底部copyright link

The the copyright is located into {root}/plugins/system/falangdriver/falangdriver.php on line 61.