administrator/components/com_mtree/mfields.class.php 第2522行,unset($arrTags[$i]);加注释如下: //unset($arrTags[$i]);
The the copyright is located into {root}/plugins/system/falangdriver/falangdriver.php on line 61.
In order to use our Kunena 2.x template in your own language you need to translate language file.
Here is explained how to do this.
As example we assume that you need to translate template in italian language and you are using our CENTAUR template.
Differences between Vcard and Details view
When looking to insert fields into the vcard and the details view there is two small differences between the two.
In file joomla25_root/administrator/components/com_kunena/libraries/view.php
Find this code at around line 73
修改文件:joomla root folder/administrator/components/com_kunena/libraries/view.php